Friday, April 18, 2008

Lost the Trail

Where did the trail go?

Hey, I see a patch of snow!

Yes, right over there.
- atj

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Owl Encounter

Tonight marks one week and a day since I snowshoed out to the post. Having hiked out there this evening a bit after dusk. standing there listening to nearby birdsounds, I saw a shadow fly into a tree about 20 yards away. Something large, then I heard distinct cheep cheep cheeping sounds, had brought home supper.

I took a step and then heard her hoot! Probably a barred owl, so standing still I listened quietly while beckoning to nature's call. This new sound drew the mother owl's attention and I saw it fly directly down toward me, quite threatening, and perching on a dead tree just a few yards above my head. Hoot Hoot!!!

Retreating under some pine cover I fumbled with the camera, but there was no way to take a decent night shot. Nesting owl chicks ... snowshoeing season is over for sure.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

End of Season

Head of the trail, looks like we aren't going to be snowshoeing much longer. But even today, it's still 90% or more going over the snow while out in the woods.

The watering hole is a strangely peaceful place, deer central, except when I wander by.